Tuesday, March 6, 2007

More About My Illness

Several people have asked me to provide a little more detail about my illness...so here is what I know.

Nearly three weeks ago I had a radical hysterectomy performed by Joan Walker, MD. This was done after I had been through ultrasound for Gall bladder, then a CT where an abdominal mass was spotted then an MRI which confirmed the mass and also cervical cancer, and then a PET scan which lit up in the cervix and uterine lymph nodes. My CA 125 was 115. The pathology showed cervical cancer higher up in the cervix, positive uterine lymph nodes, and unfortunately positive abdominal peri-aortic lymph nodes. I have adeno-squamous carcinoma. This represents about 5% of the women diagnosed with cervical cancer. Of course I had to be different and have something that is atpycial.

Fortunately I had a large uterine fibroid which was causing me bowel discomfort and soft adhesions between my liver and diaphragm which had caused me to seek medical care. If not for that, the identification of the cervical cancer might not have occurred.

My most recent CT was clear...good news for now! I have lost about 15 pounds in the last 2 1/2 weeks so am looking a little slim. Certainly wasn't the way I had intended to lose weight! I've been eating like a fiend trying to put some weight back on before I lose my appetite. I am also trying to eat red meat to get my white blood cell count up. If you have any suggestions or thoughts about this let me know.

Today was a good day...radiation this morning (took about 10 minutes), followed by a quick jaunt to Wal-mart. I used one of those disability chairs to get around...works well! Long nap this afternoon and a short walk.

Again, thanks for all your calls and cards. It's been wonderful and I enjoy receiving each of them.


1 comment:

Erin Wilbur said...

Sheila, just want you to know that our thoughts are with you. I have added you and Brad to our prayer chain at church and the choir will also be praying for you also.