Monday, April 2, 2007

Round Five

Well, 5 chemo sessions down and 1 to go! I really can not complain...all in all in hasn't been bad. The nausea has been well managed with drugs and the only side effect that's bothered me much has been the diahrea. I did not lose any weight last week and am holding steady. My plan is to return to work half-time the 2nd week of May and hopefully full-time by the 1st of June. My bike is in the basement on the spinner so I plan to get back on (starting today) and spin for 10 minutes each day. A friend has signed me up for a Diabetes ride on June 23rd. Sixty-two miles. Guess I'd better get busy riding! Also, we have a trip planned at the end of April to St. George's island (off Florida). Can't wait to put my toes in some warm sand.

There seems to be so much lately in the news about cancer. I admire Elizabeth Edwards and her decision to not let cancer dictate how she lives her life. She also said she was focusing less on how much time she has left and more on how she's living the time she has. An important lesson for every one of us.

This photo was taken at my Ph.D. graduation party in was an extraordinary night.


Unknown said...

I have been thinking about you a lot lately and Dan and I pray for you every night. The sun will come out tomorrow!! Can't wait to see you and celebrate that you have completed treatment! Lots of love to you!

Jonah said...

Hoping to hear an update soon. Hope the news continues to be positive.