Tuesday, May 29, 2007

The Latest

Hey all...

This second go round of chemotherapy hasn't been too bad, although I have started losing my hair and have had some mild neuropathy in my feet. After getting out of the hospital May 15th I spent the next 8 days on drugs and in bed. I slept a lot and ate a lot...that's about it. No nausea to speak of, no throwing up, no head in the toilet. Life is good! or maybe it's just good drugs. Either way, it wasn't too bad. My scalp hurts and is very tender so I had my head shaved into a burr this morning rather than smooth bald. What little is left will fall out in the next week or so. I tell everyone I look like Demi Moore in GI Jane (well, okay maybe not quite). On Friday Brad and I are driving to Colorado for a few days. I am looking forward to lying on the sofa in the mountains and doing a little fly fishing. I have also been working a few hours each day. It's good for me to get out of the house and it makes me feel useful.

My next treatment is scheduled for June 11th. I expect it will be the same routine as this time. Eight days of drugs and sleep, followed by feeling better each day after. Brad and I are doing well...enjoying each day and spending good, quality time with each other. Give us a call or stop by some time. We'd love to hear from you or see you.

1 comment:

Jonah said...

It was good to see you yesterday (Monday, July 16). Glad to hear you are rebuilding your strength. You remain in my prayers.